Cold fusion is a controversial phenomenon that has the potential to meet a substantial part of the world’s energy needs. It was announced in 1989 by two highly qualified chemists, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons. However, it was rejected by mainstream science within a year or so. On the other hand, it has continued to be pursued by many researchers worldwide. Despite its status as a pariah science, cold fusion may yet fulfill its potential for the benefit of humankind.
The information on this website has been developed primarily for those who are unfamiliar with cold fusion. The website has been created by LENRGY, LLC. The name is a contraction of “LENR” (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, another name for cold fusion) and energy. The name focuses on energy as the main potential benefit of cold fusion. LENRGY’s mission is to pursue the benefits of cold fusion realization. It is owned and operated by Thomas Grimshaw, Ph.D.
Cold Fusion Questions and Answers
Cold fusion is a paradox. Despite its massive potential benefits and the strong evidence that it is real, it continues to be a pariah science. Newcomers to the field no doubt come with many questions. The attempt is made here to anticipate the most critical questions – and provide answers. Cold fusion is a controversial subject, and there are many opinions about it. This website is no exception – it has been developed from the premise that cold fusion’s promise is great enough, and its evidence is strong enough, that it should be rigorously pursued for the benefit of humankind. Much of what is presented is informed opinion.
LENRGY Overview
LENRGY accomplishes its mission by focusing on four areas – conducting public policy analysis, supporting investigators and other interested parties, documenting LENR research records, and providing information and outreach. These areas coincide generally with Dr. Grimshaw’s cold fusion career. He has extensive experience in these four areas and has prepared more than 60 publications, reports and presentations.
Dr. Grimshaw’s Cold Fusion Journey
Dr. Grimshaw learned of the March 1989 cold fusion announcement while fully engaged in his environmental career. He followed the ensuing events closely, but – like most people – lost his engagement after it was rejected by mainstream science. He went on with his work in environmental protection and contamination cleanup.
Years later, he was changing his career to energy policy by pursuing the Master of Public Affairs degree at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. He wondered, “Whatever happened to cold fusion?” In seeking the answer, he was astounded at the amount of research and other work being done in the field in spite of its having been rejected years before. Public policy for cold fusion was just the thesis topic he was looking for!
After writing “Evidence-based Policymaking for Cold Fusion” and receiving the Masters’ degree in 2008, Dr. Grimshaw continued his cold fusion work at the LBJ School and two other research units at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) – the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy (CIEEP) and the Energy Institute. He also formed LENRGY, LLC and has pursued his cold fusion interests both at UT and in his new company.

Dr. Grimshaw Began His Cold Fusion Second Career with Policy Analysis
2008 Conference Poster Entitled “Public Interest Arguments for Cold Fusion Policy Change”
Professional Background
Thomas Grimshaw has a Ph.D. in geology and had a long and successful career in environmental protection and cleanup before changing to energy policy (and cold fusion) at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. His bachelor’s degree is in geological engineering. His training in geology and engineering, and his long environmental experience, have equipped him well for the pursuit of cold fusion. The concept of plate tectonics was introduced in 1912 but was not accepted for more than 50 years, when new information provided verification. A similar situation apparently exists for cold fusion. Having lived through though the scientific revolution of plate tectonics, Dr. Grimshaw has the perspective required to engage with controversial new phenomena like cold fusion.
Dr. Grimshaw’s career shift to energy policy – with emphasis on cold fusion – is based on a solid technical foundation. He has both a Master of Public Affairs degree for public policy and a Ph.D. degree in geology. He has authored many technical reports on such diverse topics as This website has two objectives – provide information on cold fusion and present the qualifications and experience of LENRGY. Part of the motivation for demonstrating the qualifications is to establish the basis for providing cold fusion information. Strong qualifications also provide the basis for assisting researchers and acquainting persons who are new to the field.
What’s in This Website?
This website has two objectives – provide information on cold fusion and present the qualifications and experience of LENRGY. Part of the motivation for demonstrating the qualifications is to establish the basis for providing cold fusion information. Strong qualifications also provide the basis for assisting researchers and acquainting persons who are new to the field.
The world has a great need for low-cost, abundant, clean, and versatile new sources of energy. The case of cold fusion would perhaps be of only marginal interest if the stakes weren’t so high. LENRGY, LLC seeks to do whatever possible to help achieve cold fusion as a major new energy source.